Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Skidaway Island: Skidaway Institute of Oceanography =D

Skidaway island is home to Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, NOAA's Reef National Marine Sanctuary, and Labs pertaining to several Universities. 

There was a panel of scientists presenting their research and potential research projects that students would do under them. 

While I was trying to take compelling photos (which I suck at) we spotted some dolphins (left picture). Unfortunately, I couldn't take pictures. Ill get some later. The right picture is one of a tree that branches out into the water. I find that interesting. Hence, the picture. 

Buidlings and Trees (Spanish Moss??) I think.


Research vessel that I will be on next Monday. Sneak Peek? haha I guess

living quarters

the back side of the boat.. you cant really see much, but its all tied with ropes and pulleys. 

Overall.. It was a long day of presentations, but most were very interesting =). We all went target shopping... bought a blender and frozen fruit. I see myself dehydrating from the heat. I prevent!!!!!

Till Tomorrow. Tata

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