Monday, May 30, 2011


Photos from Gwyneth's Camera

Thursday was like Salt Marsh study day. We went off towards Tybee Beach with Dr. Gilligan and we studied the salt marshes. We saw fiddler crabs...Little crabs that live in the salt marsh. Male fiddler crabs have a huge white claw that is used as a mating tool. Female crabs are smaller and according to Dr. Gilligan, take less time eating because they can eat with two claws (male has a huge claw that is in the way). It's a balance. 

Tybee Beach was next.. We saw water level influence on the beach. Oyster beds were mostly located on the bottom part of rock layers while barnacles are on the top. We visited a fort that had crocodiles around (I did't see any). There was a sign saying croc watch lol! I got the pictures from Gwyneth's camera. Enjoy.

On our way to the Salt Marsh

Where the Crocs reside (ah)

Fiddler Crabs

Part of the Fort

The group curious and looking at the oyster beds and rocks


On the Rocks


Tybee Beach (birds were hovering while moving...they stayed in one place and then flew a little) and birds


A sign we encountered while walking to the salt marshes

little little!

Lighthouse near Tybee

The beach at Low Tide

Snails on the Spanish Hammock

Dr. Gilligan right before he ate that plant in hand (it was salty). This is used in salads.

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