Tuesday, May 31, 2011

AQUARIUM/GEORGIA TECH...Saw an XBOX Controller for a boat

Tuesday after our lovely 3-day weekend... We visit several places (3 to be exact). 
ALL PICTURES Came from Gwyneth's Camera. Thanks!

1. NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary: Gray's Reef
There aren't any pictures from the National Marine Sanctuary because we went to meet with a representative from there. He told us everything about the NOAA division and how he got into it.  I was intrigued by the background screen he had. It was a recorded video of Gray's Reef action; every animal that you could see was very colorful. Cool COOL!! 
We went over to a lab they had in back of the building and we met up with Mike. OMG... He described his project and I was very interested! He was basically doing a geology-based project...but it can be integrated with marine science. The salt marshes along the coastline of Georgia are hard to map out and model because of the tides flushing sediments inside and out. Mike was working on a project where he used GPS systems (very expensive I say...in the thousands) to plot way points on ArcGIS and then create a map of depth in a specific area where a lot of little creeks were visible. He tested how the sediment profile changed over time? I kind of forgot the rest.

The Aquarium
At the aquarium.. you saw all the animals that you would around Georgia, including Gray's Reef. We also got a behind the scenes tour of the aquarium (AKA.. where normal people cannot go into lol). 



In the Back where people are not allowed (i guess?)


Turtle Sunbathing..lalalaaa


This turtle has paparazzi!

A Seahorse.. It's Camouflaged

Two crabs... They were either hugging or mating for a good 10 minutes.

3. Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech!! I saw lots of technology that I know I would not be able to do.. Go engineering and IT lol. 

Me and Georgia tech's Mascot.. A Bee "Buzz".

Part of the building we visited =)

A boat built by Georgia Tech students. The boat has sensors (red light?) and satellite GPS... It was the cutest thing. It also has a camera and it's purpose was for a competition down in Louisiana... One of the boat's function is to potentially be able to detect oil around them.

Georgia Tech student controlling the boat in the pond with an XBOX controller.

The operating without a controller.. the boat also has to be able to do this without malfunction in competition. 

The side of the boat.

Robot that had motion detectors... It's like a robotic puppy. It followed you if it detected your hand or anything.

A wheelchair that had a certain color detection and acted like the little robot puppy above... it followed up until a good foot away from you. Pretty cool!

Laura on it.. testing it out

The test without anyone on it.

Decoration in a building

That was all for today =)

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